UAE one of world’s top residency destinations
Tax-free environment, quality of life make UAE ideal for foreigners seeking residency outside their country.
Dubai: Although it doesn’t grant citizenship to foreigners, the UAE is still one of the best destinations for people seeking residency outside their home country because it does not only offer a tax-free environment and good quality of life to its residents, its visa is quite affordable and doesn’t take very long to process.
In the latest Global Residence Programme Index (GRPI) by Henley & Partners, the UAE ranked number one in the Arab world and 15th globally, ahead of Hong Kong, Cyprus and Greece.
The UAE landed top 10 in key categories, including tax, quality of life, compliance and reputation. These, as well as other indicators like investment requirements, total costs, visa-free access, time to citizenship and citizenship requirements, quality of processing and processing time, were considered in the study.
Henley & Partners said that while other states require foreigners to invest in exchange for a residence permit, people looking to earn the right to stay in the UAE is not required to make a minimum investment. It said that the total cost for obtaining residency in the UAE is “reasonable” when compared to other countries. [ Read full article ]